Friday, August 13, 2004

A poem about my College Life at GCT, Coimbatore!

Date : 19th AUG 1987 Place :Helibase,ONGC,Santacruz,Mumbai


What a transition from school to College,
We thought we required a lot of courage !
Most seniors gave us Nightmares,
Generally they caught us unaware !
Everyday, our room bulbs were shattered,
As we ran around scattered !
Night shows were aplenty,
For those who had seniors' warranty !
We stuck together to overcome isolation,
And, definitely co-education was a consolation !
For hostellers, ANNAPURNA was a Godsend,
As we grew bolder and bolder by the year end ...


It was our turn then, to rag,
And some of us settled down for fag (or two) !
ECE was the choice of most toppers,
God knew how many were to be paupers !
Some took CIVIL thinking about their dream construction,
And Children of the lesser God took to production !
But for most, MECHANICAL was the obvious choice,
And some took EEE to hear sweet voice !
For starters, everyone practised one 'ING',
Fagging, PANing, Boozing, Roaming or 'kadalai' selling !
Auditorium produced Saturday Night Fever,
And, Sunday usually started with a Hangover !
Groundnut selling was a common sight,
For Non-sellers the topic produced quite an appetite !
Tests, Assignments and Tutorials - to quote a few hurdles ,
And generally last minute preparation produced miracles ...


We called ourselves "PREFINALS" - and,
We were then "Masters of the Game" !
We went to classes for attendance,
Leisure time was spent in tea-bet remmies !
We often went to Lab shoeless,
when asked to quit, returned shameless !
Notoriety was our watch word !
We despised three things,
--- Mess, Toilets and Classes !
We celebrated College festivals in high spirits,
--- Both Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic !
Tree shades patronized Heart Exchanges,
Srilanka gave us the reason to clamp I.D.C's (indefinite closures) ,
It was indeed a "Golden Period" for us,
As we dominated everything that happened in the Campus ...


The thought of parting made us more close (closer !),
We all looked very tired and morose !
Most projects were bravely attempted and abandoned,
Project books were the ones we adorned !
We started counting the days ahead,
and prepared ourselves for the agony of separtaion !
That was the time when many of us started believing in sentiments !
We tried looking into the future, only to find it threatening and uncertain !
But, we were all very optimistic,
We had proved our WORTH in GCT, and,
We were needed to do that a II time, then,
To the WORLD outside ......

6 மறுமொழிகள்:



I am Raja from 1990-1994 batch. Though we studied at different times, the GCT life for us remains the same. Your poem pretty much summarizes the events during my period there too. Though the in-details might be different.

It was a good one and always to cherish.




I'm Rajkumar 1991-1995 CSE. Very well written poem. I enjoyed it a lot. Took me back to the good old days.

Rajkumar Madhuram

SnackDragon said...

Bala or Raja or Rajkumar,
Do anyone of you know about Seetharaman 92-96 batch GCT. (instrumentation) If you know about his whereabouts could you please email me at

enRenRum-anbudan.BALA said...

I belong to the 1982-86 batch. I believe that Raja or Rajkumar should be of help in tracing this "elusive" friend of yours :)

I suggest that you write to raja at about this. I will also try with my sources. BTW, Did you study in our GREAT institution ?

Also, Pl. check my நண்பனுக்கொரு மடல் !!!! You might like it ;-)

enRenRum-anbudan.BALA said...

Rajashankar & Rajkumar,

Thanks for your comments.

My mail-ID is

I am currently in Chennai.

Sud Gopal said...

that is a good one.
Me too from GCT.
But in 2k's.

நன்றி நண்பரே !

வருகை தந்தமைக்கு நன்றி! உங்கள் மேலான கருத்துக்களை எதிர்பார்க்கிறேன்!
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